Mobile subscriptions for SMEs: family and friends also benefit from digitec connect
Translation: Katherine Martin
digitec connect B2B isn’t just of interest to large firms – it’s also for SMEs, clubs and organisations. They can offer their employees or members a mobile phone subscription as a benefit at a reduced rate. And their families and friends can take advantage of it, too. For the last few months, RSB Mechatronik, which is an SME, has been doing exactly that.
From small to large companies, clubs to organisations, our mobile subscription digitec connect offers various usage options at attractive conditions. Samuel Berweger, Managing Director at RSB Mechatronik GmbH decided to go for a digitec connect mobile subscription. He explains to Nico Bosshart, B2B Solution Manager at Diitec Galaxus, what he likes about the package and how it’s been received by his employees.
Seraina: What does digitec connect currently offer businesses?
Nico Bosshart: Corporate customers have a subscription with two options: on one hand, we offer business connections which can be managed independently by way of a portal. On the other, we have a benefit model, which gives employees access to attractive conditions for their personal mobile phone subscription. With this option, employees get their own digitec connect Cockpit so they’re in control of their subscription. The cool thing about this is that it’s not just the employees who benefit – it’s their loved ones, too. Of course, both options – the business connections model and the benefit model – can be combined.
What do you mean exactly when you say that their loved ones benefit too?
Nico: With the Family + Friends option, the special conditions can be «passed on» to up to four people of your choice. For every additional member, more data is included in each subscription. A relatively new feature is that it’s also possible to split the bill. This means that whoever is managing the account no longer has to pay the bill for everyone else and recover the costs later. Separate or joint bills are now available.
Nico, let’s face it, other large providers offer interesting services, too. Why should businesses choose digitec connect?
Nico: For several reasons! (laughs) A big plus point is our Community. Our service is constantly improving because the Community gives us honest feedback and mutual support. The bottom line is, companies with digitec connect and the Family + Friends option are able to offer their workforce a fantastic benefit, positioning themselves as modern employers as a result.
Samuel, you run an SME – why is your company with digitec connect?
Samuel Berweger: We’re big fans of digitec. I like that you’ve become such a large store, but you still have that personal touch. With you guys, I never have the feeling that I’m just ticket number 823. And I can absolutely agree with what you said about the Community. It’s a central, digital meeting place where you can get unbiased opinions from within the digitec cosmos. With that in mind, you didn’t have a tough job convincing me to go with digitec connect (laughs). In addition to the good conditions, I found the Family + Friends feature very appealing – I wanted to make it available to my employees.
Are you happy with it?
Samuel: I’m totally happy with it. I’m a fan of easy, uncomplicated solutions. At our company, there’s no more scaling mountains of paper. We use Microsoft Surface laptops for day-to-day note taking. With this in mind, I think it’s important that I have other administrative things in digital form. The digitec connect Cockpit is just that. These days, other providers could probably offer me something like that, too. But you guys bring everything together with one platform.
And how have your employees reacted to the offer, Samuel?
Samuel: The feedback has been positive. They were thrilled that their families or friends could benefit from it, too. And as a boss, it’s cool to be able to offer my employees a goody like that without having to go to great lengths to do so. I mean, you’re the ones who do that (laughs).
Was it a hassle for you to switch to digitec connect?
Samuel: No, I found switching to be really uncomplicated and the effort involved was pretty low. I think your online presence is fantastic because I was able to get everything done digitally, even late at night. At 11 p.m. I was holding my ID up to the webcam, going through the registration process.
Nico, what kind of changes can be anticipated in the near future?
Nico: We’re always working to develop our digitec connect subscription and to increase its profile. With this in mind, we’ve got improvements lined up in user management – both for private and corporate customers. Feedback from our Community is key to the continued development of our range of services. Our customers wanted attractive roaming options and the ability to make calls abroad. We’ve now responded to that and have become more appealing.
Samuel: That’s interesting! I’ve always been a bit cautious when it comes to roaming. I switched off that option for business connections in the Cockpit so that I could avoid high costs. But that’s obviously another cool option that I’ll reactivate.
RSB Mechatronik GmbH, based in Stein, AR, specialises in industrial automation with a focus on building and machine software. Whether it’s conception, design, implementation, set-up, training or facility monitoring: the wide range of services allows for a high-degree of flexibility and individuality in the requirements of each customer. On 1 April 2022, the company celebrated its fifth anniversary.
Seraina Cadonau
Communications Manager
Seraina.Cadonau@digitecgalaxus.chHappy nature and big fan of the mountains.