Best Nicai Systems products in the Robotics kit category
On this page you'll find a ranking of the best Nicai Systems products in this category. To give you a quick overview, we've already ranked the most important information about the products for you.
1. Nicai Systems Nicai maroon Shield
The Arduino compatible maroon Shield offers an 8×8 LED matrix display with its own microcontroller (Atmel ATmega88A) and two input buttons. The control is uncomplicated: Texts and graphics can easily be sent via the serial interface. The kit is open source and open hardware and can be used freely. There are no limits to the imagination: light effects at night and day, scrolling texts, display of individual values, funny animations etc.
Use the shield e.g. on your Arduino Uno.
2. Nicai Systems NIBObee
The NIBObee is an autonomous robot specially developed for beginners and programmable in C, C++, ARDUINO, Java and Assembler. As a sophisticated complete system, the stylish bot has an ATmega16 as a "thinking" unit, various sensors to perceive its environment and an integrated USB programmer, which also serves as a charger for the batteries. After assembly, the hardware can be tested directly, as the microcontroller is already supplied with an initial program. Afterwards, you can get started with your own programming.