Electronics supplies + Casing by OEM

Electronics supplies + Casing

In the Electronics Supplies and Casings category, customers can find a variety of components essential for building, safeguarding, and enhancing their electronic projects and electrical installations. From meter cabinets designed to house and protect your utility meters courtesy of the reputable brand Hager, to complete cabinet setups like the durable STR KS405SB Cabinet by Striebel & John, enthusiasts and professionals alike will discover the right enclosures to fulfill their specific needs.

Industry professionals looking for robust crimping tools will be drawn to the efficiency of Klauke's KLA EKM60IDCFB, a state-of-the-art folding head crimper with Bosch Battery, perfect for precision electrical work. Meanwhile, those in need of powerful ventilation solutions might opt for Helios's sturdy HELI RDW EC 315 Horizontal roof fan, boasting an energy-efficient EC motor suited for a variety of environments.

Not to be forgotten is the iconic Raspberry Pi, which caters to the tech hobbyists and educational sectors with its accessories. The highly-acclaimed Official Raspberry Pi 5 power supply, offering 27W of USB-C power, ensures that your micro-computing projects have a stable and reliable power source.

From ensuring the safe housing of electrical components to providing the power needed for your innovative Raspberry Pi creations, this category offers a curated selection of brands and products that meet the demands of various electronic supply and casing requirements.