5 Infrared clinical thermometers in the test
Even if you only have to take it out a few times a year, it still has its place in almost every medicine cabinet - the clinical thermometer. Until the 1970s, it was perfectly normal to have to wait a minute or two until the mercury finally rose in the thermometer and revealed the current temperature. Today, it only takes a moment for the temperature to be determined and shine out in the form of brightly lit numbers. The easiest way to do this is with a modern infrared thermometer: Such a thermometer can measure the temperature without having to touch the measuring point even once with its temperature probe. This is more hygienic and makes temperature measurement easier, especially for younger children. We have carefully tested 5 current models. In this test, you can read which thermometer not only measures accurately to the degree, but is also easy to handle and thus avoids errors during the measuring process.