Quantity discountCable trunking CHF11.40 per piece for 2 units CHF5.70/1mLogiLink Cable protection with zipperCable conduit, 2000 mm126
Cable trunking CHF23.– CHF11.50/1mLabel-the-cable Cable organiser white 1 piece (LTC 5120)Cable conduit, 2000 mm83
Quantity discountCable trunking CHF7.60 per piece for 3 units CHF5.07/1mUgreen Flexible cable ductCable conduit, 1500 mm40
Quantity discountCable trunking CHF8.65 per piece for 3 units CHF8.65/1mLogiLink Cable protection with zipperCable conduit, 1000 mm48
Quantity discountCable trunking CHF8.15 per piece for 3 units CHF4.08/1mSteffen 25 x 25 mm, 2 m lengthDuct, 2000 mm25
Quantity discountCable trunking CHF12.30 per piece for 2 units CHF6.15/1mLogiLink Cable protectionCable conduit, 2000 mm7