Best Dimavery products in the Drumsticks + mallets category

On this page you'll find a ranking of the best Dimavery products in this category. To give you a quick overview, we've already ranked the most important information about the products for you.

1. Dimavery DDS Rods

Rods, plastic coated handle and sliding ring.

2. Dimavery DDS-5B drum sticks

High quality drum sticks. Head made of wood, thickness is 5B.

3. Dimavery DDS-5A Drumsticks

High quality drumsticks. Head made of wood, thickness is 5A.

4. Dimavery DDS Snaresticks

High quality marching drumsticks. Head made of wood.

5. Dimavery BDB-30 Bass drum stick, felt

Standard Bass Drumstick

- Felt

- Suitable for children's drums foot machines.

6. Dimavery BDB-10 2-pocket bass drum beater

2-way bass drum beater

- Felt, plastic

- Suitable for all foot machines.

7. Dimavery DDS Felt Mallet

Mallets, in pairs with felt head.

8. Dimavery DDS Skirt

High quality rock drumsticks with nylon head.

9. Dimavery DJDS Jazz

High quality jazz drumsticks. Head made of wood, thickness is 5A.

10. Dimavery DDS-5A

High quality drumsticks. Head made of wood, thickness is 5A.