Great extension for your Smart Home. Somewhat limited by the DECT standard.
Very good89/100
SatvisionSingle testReleaseNovember 2020
easy set-up
Wall bracket and screws included
Due to its limited compatibility with other Smart Home standards such as Zigbee and Co., the AVM Fritz!Dect 440 switch only just misses out on a very good rating of 91.5 percentage points and achieves the test mark "good". The fact that the operation of the switch requires a DECT-capable FRITZ!Box is not very flexible in terms of router choice, but on the other hand ensures smooth control and easy...
Very good100/100
PCgoSingle testReleaseOctober 2020
Those who use AVM's Smart Home remain incompatible with large parts of the rest of the market - but are in good hands in the AVM world. The four-way switch complements the concept perfectly.
Without ratingNo rating
PC Welt OnlineSingle testReleaseSeptember 2020
Easy to set up and operate
Unobtrusive design
Display easy to read
Expensive: Around 60 euros
Fritz Dect 300/301 radiator thermostat cannot be switched manually
The Fritz Dect 440 push button is a useful addition to the Smart Home with AVM devices. The design is pleasantly discreet and fits easily into any home. Commissioning is unproblematic and operation is self-explanatory. Only the high price is a deterrent.
Very good90/100
PC MagazinSingle testReleaseSeptember 2020
Those who opt for AVM's Smart Home remain incompatible with large parts of the rest of the market - but are in good hands in the AVM world. The four-way switch complements the concept perfectly.