
Licence plate numbers 101 – who can look them up and how to block them

Florian Bodoky
Translation: Veronica Bielawski

In Switzerland, you can find out just about anyone’s name and address based on their licence plate number – online or via SMS. How? Why is this even legal? And how can you prevent others from being able to look up your details? Here’s the lowdown.

In Switzerland, you can find out the name and address of almost any driver – without help from the police or any long administrative process. In most cantons at least, all you need is a smartphone with internet access. In some cases, you can even request the information via SMS.

Many cantons use the eAutoindex.
Many cantons use the eAutoindex.
Source: Screenshot / Florian Bodoky

This can be useful in certain cases, like if someone’s a menace on the road, and saves the police time and resources. But it also offers potential for misuse. Honk at someone, and they could show up at your front door. Not a great feeling.

Hitec Eco Car (Electric, 10.20 hp)

Hitec Eco Car

Electric, 10.20 hp

Why are we allowed to retrieve this information at all?

In short, this data, which is required for traffic approval, is under the data sovereignty of the federal government.

More precisely, under the Federal Roads Office (FEDRO). Now, it’s not public data per se, as stated in the Road Traffic Act (SVG) (available in German only), more specifically Article 89a, Paragraph 3 (page 54) and Article 89g, Paragraph 1 (page 58).

However, the FEDRO maintains a special database – the IVZ, or information system for traffic licencing. That’s where your data is stored, including your licence plate number along with the information you have to provide when applying for a plate. FEDRO receives this information from the cantonal road traffic office.

Certain parts of this data, including your name and address in connection with your car number, are covered by a special passage in the SVG (Article 89g, Paragraph 5 on page 58). It states that this data falls under the sovereignty of the canton; the canton is allowed to publish it, provided it isn’t blocked for public disclosure. Importantly, the law says the canton may do so, but it doesn’t have to.

This law was concluded in 2012 and implemented in 2013. If you’re interested, you can read every detail of the federal bill here (only available in German, French and Italian).

The Federal Council revised the law in 2012.
The Federal Council revised the law in 2012.
Source: Florian Bodoky

The Federal Council also offers an explanation (only available in German, French and Italian) of why the bill was designed this way, which may be more understandable for laypeople than the bill’s legalese.

How do I prevent someone from accessing my data?

If you want to prevent someone from finding your home address by looking up your licence plate number, I have good news for you. Article 89, Paragraph 5 of the SVG states that you can have this information blocked.

You may block your plate number for free («Auskunftssperre beantragen»).
You may block your plate number for free («Auskunftssperre beantragen»).
Source: Screenshot / Florian Bodoky

You can do so free of charge and without stating a reason in all 26 cantons. You’ll have to request your plate number to be blocked at your cantonal road traffic office. How exactly this works varies from canton to canton. You can read how it works in your canton of residence at the end of this article.

Who can still access my data after I block it?

Even after blocking your plate number, the traffic rules do, of course, apply! ;-) And the police still has access to blocked numbers. The road traffic office and liability insurance companies can access it, too.

The police have access to your data despite it being blocked.
The police have access to your data despite it being blocked.
Source: Shutterstock

Private individuals, on the other hand, will only be able to access your data in the event of accidents or when ownership of the car changes, for example – so says the ordinance on the information system for traffic licencing (IVZV).

The «private» category also includes security services. If you’ve blocked your number, it also applies to them, meaning even if you park in a private parking lot without permission, the owners won’t be able to get a hold of your data. Keep in mind that you can still be reported to the police for it, though. And that can get expensive. In addition to a fine, you might have to pay the costs of the legal proceedings.

This is the situation in your canton

Switzerland frankly wouldn’t be Switzerland without its «Kantönligeist», or the Swiss version of federalism. And that’s why there are several ways to look up someone’s information based on their licence plate or to block your own. The exact reasons behind these differences vary. But there’s one thing the cantons all have in common: you can have your plate number blocked for private, «groundless» queries without providing a reason.

You’re allowed to block your number free of charge in each canton.
You’re allowed to block your number free of charge in each canton.
Source: respective canton / Florian Bodoky

But before we get to the how-to, here are some final caveats:

  1. Depending on the mobile provider and subscription, the SMS service may be blocked. This may be because the provider wants it that way, or for legal reasons. The latter applies to Swisscom business mobile connections. This is due to a federal court ruling from March 2020.
Often, you’ll have to activate value-added services separately.
Often, you’ll have to activate value-added services separately.
Source: screenshot / Florian Bodoky
  1. There’s a limit to the number of queries you can submit. You can’t just look up dozens of plates one after another for fun.
  2. The service only works for white license plates that are active. That is, it doesn’t work for temporarily surrendered or inactive plates.
  3. Online queries on Viacar are free of charge. However, you’re only allowed to query a limited number of plates – namely, three to five. The cantons specify this limit. On eAutoindex, a query costs one franc. In addition, you’re allowed a maximum of five queries per 24 hours. To pay on eAutoindex, you can load your credit by Twint or credit card. From 20 francs, you can also credit your account by invoice.


Look up number:

In the canton of Aargau, you can look up licence plates online for free on Viacar.

Block number:

You can block your number online free of charge. When you get new a licence plate, it’s then also automatically blocked.

Appenzell Ausserrhoden

Look up number:

In the canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden, you can look up licence plates online on eAutoindex. You’ll first have to create a free account. Each query costs one franc. Alternatively, you can get the information via SMS. Send the full licence plate (i.e. canton abbreviation and number separated by a space) to the number 939. You’ll be charged one franc if the information may be released. Otherwise, the SMS costs 20 rappen. These charges will appear on your phone bill.

If you’re doing this for the first time, you’ll have to accept the terms and conditions, which you’ll receive via SMS. Text back «AGB» to the number 939 to confirm you’ve read and accepted the terms and conditions.

Block number:

You can block your number online free of charge. You can block multiple numbers in one go.

Appenzell Innerrhoden

Look up number:
In the canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden, you can look up licence plates online on eAutoindex. You’ll first have to create a free account. Each query costs one franc. Alternatively, you can get the information via SMS. Send the full licence plate (i.e. canton abbreviation and number separated by a space) to the number 939. You’ll be charged one franc if the information may be released. Otherwise, the SMS costs 20 rappen. These charges will appear on your phone bill.

If you’re doing this for the first time, you’ll have to accept the terms and conditions, which you’ll receive via SMS. Text back «AGB» to the number 939 to confirm you’ve read and accepted the terms and conditions.

Block number:

Appenzell Innerrhoden is old school. You need to request to have your plate blocked by mail. Send the letter to the appropriate office. Again, this is free of charge (except for the stamp).


Look up number:

In the canton of Basel-Landschaft, you can look up licence plates online on eAutoindex. You’ll first have to create a free account. Each query costs one franc. Alternatively, you can get the information via SMS. Send the full licence plate (i.e. canton abbreviation and number separated by a space) to the number 939. You’ll be charged one franc if the information may be released. Otherwise, the SMS costs 20 rappen. These charges will appear on your phone bill.

If you’re doing this for the first time, you’ll have to accept the terms and conditions, which you’ll receive via SMS. Text back «AGB» to the number 939 to confirm you’ve read and accepted the terms and conditions.

Block number:

Basel-Landschaft offers both an online and offline solution. Here’s the online form. Alternatively, you can fill out the interactive PDF here, print it out and send it to the address specified.


Look up number:

In the Canton of Basel-Stadt, you can look up licence plates online on eAutoindex. You’ll first have to create a free account. Each query costs one franc. Alternatively, you can get the information via SMS. Send the full licence plate (i.e. canton abbreviation and number separated by a space) to the number 939. You’ll be charged one franc if the information may be released. Otherwise, the SMS costs 20 rappen. These charges will appear on your phone bill.

If you’re doing this for the first time, you’ll have to accept the terms and conditions, which you’ll receive via SMS. Text back «AGB» to the number 939 to confirm you’ve read and accepted the terms and conditions.

Block number:

Basel-Stadt relies on an offline solution. You can fill out the interactive PDF here, print it out and send it to the address specified.


Look up number:

Bern relies entirely on the SMS solution. Each query costs one franc. Send the full licence plate (i.e. the canton abbreviation BE and number separated by a space) to the number 939. You’ll be charged one franc if the information may be released. Otherwise, the SMS costs 20 rappen. These charges will appear on your phone bill.

If you’re doing this for the first time, you’ll have to accept the terms and conditions, which you’ll receive via SMS. Text back «AGB» to the number 939 to confirm you’ve read and accepted the terms and conditions.

Block number:

Bern relies on an offline solution. You can fill out the interactive PDF here, print it out and send it to the address specified.


Look up number:

In the Canton of Fribourg you can look up licence plates online free of charge. You’re allowed three requests within 24 hours.

Block number:

Fribourg relies on an offline solution. You can fill out the interactive PDF here, print it out and send it to the address specified.


Look up number:

Geneva is stricter. There’s no online solution for querying licence plates. Instead, you have to fill out this form – and include your reason for wanting to look up the information. In addition, this’ll cost you ten francs.

Block number:

Geneva relies on an offline solution. You can fill out the interactive PDF here, print it out and send it to the address specified.


Look up number:

In the Canton of Glarus, you can look up licence plates online on eAutoindex. You’ll first have to create a free account. Each query costs one franc. Alternatively, you can get the information via SMS. Send the full licence plate (i.e. canton abbreviation and number separated by a space) to the number 939. You’ll be charged one franc if the information may be released. Otherwise, the SMS costs 20 rappen. These charges will appear on your phone bill.

If you’re doing this for the first time, you’ll have to accept the terms and conditions, which you’ll receive via SMS. Text back «AGB» to the number 939 to confirm you’ve read and accepted the terms and conditions.

Block number:

Glarus relies on an offline solution. You can fill out the interactive PDF here, print it out and send it to the address specified.


Look up number:

In the Canton of Graubünden, you can look up licence plates online on eAutoindex. You’ll first have to create a free account. Each query costs one franc. Alternatively, you can get the information via SMS. Send the full licence plate (i.e. canton abbreviation and number separated by a space) to the number 939. You’ll be charged one franc if the information may be released. Otherwise, the SMS costs 20 rappen. These charges will appear on your phone bill.

If you’re doing this for the first time, you’ll have to accept the terms and conditions, which you’ll receive via SMS. Text back «AGB» to the number 939 to confirm you’ve read and accepted the terms and conditions.

Block number:

Graubünden relies on an offline solution. You can fill out the interactive PDF here, print it out and send it to the address specified.


Look up number:

Like in Geneva, the Jura cantonal road traffic office oversees the queries. You can enter your request in the online counter service. You have to register here with Swiss ID and enter your mobile number and ID.

Block number:

Jura relies on an offline solution. You can fill out the interactive PDF here, print it out and send it to the address specified.


Look up number:

In the Canton of Lucerne, you can look up licence plates online in Viacar.

Block number:

You can block your number online free of charge. When you get new a licence plate, it’s then also automatically blocked.


Look up number:

Like in Geneva, the Neuchâtel cantonal road traffic office oversees the queries. You can enter your request in the online counter service, for which you can register here.

Block number:

Neuchâtel relies on an offline solution. You can fill out the interactive PDF here, print it out and send it to the address specified.


Look up number:

In the Canton of Nidwalden, you can look up licence plates online on eAutoindex. You’ll first have to create a free account. Each query costs one franc. Alternatively, you can get the information via SMS. Send the full licence plate (i.e. canton abbreviation and number separated by a space) to the number 939. You’ll be charged one franc if the information may be released. Otherwise, the SMS costs 20 rappen. These charges will appear on your phone bill.

If you’re doing this for the first time, you’ll have to accept the terms and conditions, which you’ll receive via SMS. Text back «AGB» to the number 939 to confirm you’ve read and accepted the terms and conditions.

Block number:

Nidwalden relies on an offline solution. You can fill out the interactive PDF here, print it out and send it to the address specified.


Look up number:

In the Canton of Obwalden, you can look up licence plates online on eAutoindex. You’ll first have to create a free account. Each query costs one franc. Alternatively, you can get the information via SMS. Send the full licence plate (i.e. canton abbreviation and number separated by a space) to the number 939. You’ll be charged one franc if the information may be released. Otherwise, the SMS costs 20 rappen. These charges will appear on your phone bill.

If you’re doing this for the first time, you’ll have to accept the terms and conditions, which you’ll receive via SMS. Text back «AGB» to the number 939 to confirm you’ve read and accepted the terms and conditions.

Block number:

Obwalden relies on an offline solution. You can fill out the interactive PDF here, print it out and send it to the address specified.


Look up number:

In the Canton of Schaffhausen, you can look up licence plates online for free in Viacar.

Block number:

You can block your number online free of charge. When you get new a licence plate, it’s then also automatically blocked.


Look up number:

In the Canton of Schwyz, you can look up licence plates online on eAutoindex. You’ll first have to create a free account. Each query costs one franc. Alternatively, you can get the information via SMS. Send the full licence plate (i.e. canton abbreviation and number separated by a space) to the number 939. You’ll be charged one franc if the information may be released. Otherwise, the SMS costs 20 rappen. These charges will appear on your phone bill.

If you’re doing this for the first time, you’ll have to accept the terms and conditions, which you’ll receive via SMS. Text back «AGB» to the number 939 to confirm you’ve read and accepted the terms and conditions.

Block number:

Schwyz relies on an offline solution. You can fill out the interactive PDF here, print it out and send it to the address specified.


Look up number:

In the Canton of Solothurn, you can look up licence plates online for free in Viacar.

Block number:

Solothurn offers a free online option as well as a classic form to fill out. Both are accepted.

St. Gallen

Look up number:

In the Canton of St. Gallen, you can look up licence plates online on eAutoindex. You’ll first have to create a free account. Each query costs one franc. Alternatively, you can get the information via SMS. Send the full licence plate (i.e. canton abbreviation and number separated by a space) to the number 939. You’ll be charged one franc if the information may be released. Otherwise, the SMS costs 20 rappen. These charges will appear on your phone bill.

If you’re doing this for the first time, you’ll have to accept the terms and conditions, which you’ll receive via SMS. Text back «AGB» to the number 939 to confirm you’ve read and accepted the terms and conditions.

Block number:

St. Gallen offers a free online option for blocking your plate number. Alternatively, can call in or send an e-mail.


Look up number:

In the Canton of Ticino, you can look up licence plates online. No registration is needed.

Block number:

To block your plate number, you’ll have to fill out this form. You can mail or e-mail it.


Look up number:

In the Canton of Thurgau, you can look up licence plates online on eAutoindex. You’ll first have to create a free account. Each query costs one franc. Alternatively, you can get the information via SMS. Send the full licence plate (i.e. canton abbreviation and number separated by a space) to the number 939. You’ll be charged one franc if the information may be released. Otherwise, the SMS costs 20 rappen. These charges will appear on your phone bill.

If you’re doing this for the first time, you’ll have to accept the terms and conditions, which you’ll receive via SMS. Text back «AGB» to the number 939 to confirm you’ve read and accepted the terms and conditions.

Block number:

In Thurgau, you can block your plate number online.


Look up number:

In the Canton of Uri, you can look up licence plates online on eAutoindex. You’ll first have to create a free account. Each query costs one franc. Alternatively, you can get the information via SMS. Send the full licence plate (i.e. canton abbreviation and number separated by a space) to the number 939. You’ll be charged one franc if the information may be released. Otherwise, the SMS costs 20 rappen. These charges will appear on your phone bill.

If you’re doing this for the first time, you’ll have to accept the terms and conditions, which you’ll receive via SMS. Text back «AGB» to the number 939 to confirm you’ve read and accepted the terms and conditions.

Block number:

Uri relies on an offline solution. You can fill out the interactive PDF here, print it out and send it to the address specified. A new block request must be submitted for each new licence plate.


Look up number:

The Canton of Vaud is strict. You must send a written request to the road traffic office explaining why you want the information. This’ll cost you 20 francs.

Block number:

In the Canton of Vaud, you can block your plate number free of charge online, by letter or e-mail.


Look up number:

In the Canton of Valais, you can look up licence plates online on eAutoindex – via the cantonal road traffic office’s website.

Block number:

The Canton of Valais relies on an offline solution. You can fill out the interactive PDF here, print it out and send it to the address specified. A new block request must be submitted for each new licence plate.


Look up number:

In the Canton of Zug, you can look up licence plates online on Viacar.

Block number:

In Zug, you can block your plate number online.


Look up number:

In the Canton of Zurich, you can look up licence plates online for free on Viacar.

Block number:

In Zurich, you can block your plate number online.

Header image: Shutterstock

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