Behind the scenes

Communication manifesto in product development

Norina Brun

The software development department at Digitec Galaxus is made up of over 200 employees. To make communication effective, everyone needs to have the same basic understanding of what that entails. For this reason, the engineering crew came up with their very own communication manifesto.

1. Disclaimer

Anyone can refer to this manifesto. It is not legally binding; rather, the manifesto shall be applied on a daily basis.

2. Communication / Discussion

  • I communicate openly and honestly.
  • I treat everyone one equally and respectfully.
  • I welcome discussions because different opinions lead to better solutions.
  • I consider input and solution suggestions independently of hierarchy and do not regard them as absolute. Even if the wording isn’t perfect.
  • I always assume give the sender the benefit of the doubt, as everyone strives to make a constructive contribution, even if it may not look that way to me.
  • I give direct and constructive feedback if I find somebody’s way of communicating inappropriate.
  • I think about the message I want to convey and how the recipient's interests may differ from mine. Only afterwards do I come come up with the wording to suit the target group.
  • I avoiding rash judgements based on first impressions.
  • I try to avoid discussing the same things over and over again if ...
    - ... this is unlikely to add value.
    - ... the decision resulting from the discussion only has limited effects.

3. Decisions

  • I can't be involved in all decision making. However, I assume that other people’s decisions are just as well thought through as my own and will produce positive changes.
  • When I make a decision, ...
    - ... it’s sustainable in terms of striking the perfect balance between economic efficiency and long-term stability.
    - ... I back it up with a sensible and comprehensible reason.
    - ... I make sure I can implement it with my own resources.
    - ... and later realise it was wrong, I stand by it and am not afraid to revise the decision.
  • Once a decision’s been made, ...
    - ... I regard it within its current context, which is subject to change.
    - ... I give the decision-maker a chance, even if I’m not convinced by it, and only question the decision with rational arguments after I’ve had a few negative experiences.
    - ... I reach out to the decision-makers and present them with the risks if I fear serious negative consequences.
    - ... in which I was personally involved, I support the team decision, even if it was a compromise.
    - ... I make sure to ask for an explanation if I don’t fully understand or comprehend the reasoning behind it. I may not be aware of certain arguments or details.

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