Die besten Loklik Produkte der Kategorie Schneideplotter + Transferpresse

Auf dieser Seite findest du eine Rangliste der besten Produkte von Loklik aus dieser Kategorie. Um dir einen schnellen Überblick zu verschaffen, haben wir die wichtigsten Informationen zu den Produkten in der Rangliste bereits für dich zusammengestellt.

1. Loklik Auto Heat Press

Die LOKLiK Auto Heat Press ist eine intelligente Transferpresse, die ohne grossen Aufwand eine Vielzahl von Wärmeübertragungsprojekten bewältigt. Mit nur einem Knopfdruck startet die Presse und erreicht eine schnelle sowie gleichmässige Wärmeverteilung, die herkömmlichen Pressen überlegen ist. Sie erreicht 160 °C in nur 4 Minuten und 210 °C in weniger als 6 Minuten.

Diese automatische Transferpresse ist mit einem Ein-Knopf-Start und einer automatischen Hebefunktion ausgestattet, die eine einfache und mühelose Bedienung ermöglichen. Sie übt gleichmässigen Druck auf Materialien mit einer Dicke von bis zu 2,5 cm aus, was zu optimalen Ergebnissen führt.

Die Auto Heat Press bietet vier Schnellmodi, zwei benutzerdefinierte Modi und einen automatischen Modus für die Serienproduktion. Diese Funktionen steigern Ihre Effizienz und vereinfachen die Nutzung erheblich.

Dank des eingebauten Dual-Heizzonen-Motors, der NTC-Elemente (Negative Temperature Coefficient) und der Thermistor-Technologie gewährleistet dieses System eine schnelle und gleichmässige Erwärmung. Es erreicht 210 °C in weniger als 6 Minuten und 160 °C in nur 4 Minuten.

Neben der FCC- und UL-Zertifizierung verfügt die Auto Heat Press über ein ausziehbares Schubladendesign, eine mehrschichtige Wärmeisolierung und eine isolierte Sicherheitsbasis. Die automatische Abschaltfunktion nach 10 Minuten Inaktivität erhöht die Sicherheit und Energieeffizienz.

2. Loklik Crafter *Denim blau*

LOKLiK Crafter Our smart cutting machine with an easy-to-use app. Design and personalise anything, from custom cards to unique clothing and more! High-precision cut With our self-developed hard and durable alloy blades and the long-tested fast motor, the cutting speed of the LOKLiK Crafter is generally 10-20% faster than cutting machines under the same testing conditions. Reduced gear noise The excellent noise-canceling technology helps deliver an ultra-quiet working experience. With gear sounds below 70dBa, our Crafter is up to 30% lower than cutting machines. Accurate tracking cut Thanks to the advanced "Print Then Cut" feature, the LOKLiK Crafter can make a precise tracking cut along the contour of printed images, even with intricate patterns. Multi-purpose features Our Crafter is designed with two different tool clamps, allowing you to create personalised and professional projects with cutting blades or coloured pens. Multi-device mode With its super-stable USB and Bluetooth connection system, users are allowed to operate several LOKLiK Crafters at the same time, enhancing productivity massively. Offline working mode Because you connect the Crafter with a USB cable or via Bluetooth you don't need to rely on an internet connection. No more worries about losing your progress when the network goes down. You can continue cutting tasks even when there is no internet. Create anything, anywhere you like.  LOKLiK IdeaStudio LOKLiK IdeaStudio is our graphic design software that connects your computer, tablet or phone to your LOKLiK Crafter. lt enables LOKLiK machines to work simultaneously and even with a poor network connection. Create with multiple different materials Our cutting machines can work with a variety of materials, like heat transfer vinyl (HTV), adhesive vinyl, sublimation paper, cardstock, heat transfer paper, felt, and more. What's included in the box: 1 x LOKLiK Crafter 1 x Blade Housing 1 x Pen Holder  2 x Cutting Blade 45° - red cover 2 x. 

3. Loklik Crafter *pink*

LOKLiK Crafter Our smart cutting machine with an easy-to-use app. Design and personalise anything, from custom cards to unique clothing and more! High-precision cut With our self-developed hard and durable alloy blades and the long-tested fast motor, the cutting speed of the LOKLiK Crafter is generally 10-20% faster than cutting machines under the same testing conditions. Reduced gear noise The excellent noise-canceling technology helps deliver an ultra-quiet working experience. With gear sounds below 70dBa, our Crafter is up to 30% lower than cutting machines. Accurate tracking cut Thanks to the advanced "Print Then Cut" feature, the LOKLiK Crafter can make a precise tracking cut along the contour of printed images, even with intricate patterns. Multi-purpose features Our Crafter is designed with two different tool clamps, allowing you to create personalised and professional projects with cutting blades or coloured pens. Multi-device mode With its super-stable USB and Bluetooth connection system, users are allowed to operate several LOKLiK Crafters at the same time, enhancing productivity massively. Offline working mode Because you connect the Crafter with a USB cable or via Bluetooth you don't need to rely on an internet connection. No more worries about losing your progress when the network goes down. You can continue cutting tasks even when there is no internet. Create anything, anywhere you like.  LOKLiK IdeaStudio LOKLiK IdeaStudio is our graphic design software that connects your computer, tablet or phone to your LOKLiK Crafter. lt enables LOKLiK machines to work simultaneously and even with a poor network connection. Create with multiple different materials Our cutting machines can work with a variety of materials, like heat transfer vinyl (HTV), adhesive vinyl, sublimation paper, cardstock, heat transfer paper, felt, and more. What's included in the box: 1 x LOKLiK Crafter 1 x Blade Housing 1 x Pen Holder  2 x Cutting Blade 45° - red cover 2 x.